【11月27日 学术讲座】 Freedom and Architecture——Patrik Schumacher演讲

扎哈﹒哈迪德事务所(Zaha Hadid Architects)合伙人Patrik Schumacher将于下周二(20181127)造访同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,并在15:00作为评委参加建筑学国际博士生项目论文研究阶段性研讨会。当晚18:30Schumacher将于同济大学建筑与城市规划学院DD2报告厅发表演讲,演讲将围绕“Freedom and Architecture的主题展开,欢迎参加。

Patrik Schumacher, partner of the Zaha Hadid Architects(ZHA), will attend the PhD Dissertation Research Seminar of International PhD Program of Architecture in CAUP, Tongji University next Tuesday(27 Nov. 2018). Then Schumacher will give a lecture entitled "Freedom and Architecture" in D2 Auditorium, Building D, CAUP at 18:30.



Patrik Schumacher是著名建筑师和建筑理论家,同时也是扎哈﹒哈迪德事务所(ZHA)合伙人。舒马赫自1988年以来一直与Zaha Hadid合作,参与了ZHA几乎所有项目。此外,Schumacher1996年以来一直在建筑杂志和文选上发表理论文章,探讨在建筑中拓展新的形式与空间语汇,来应对从“福特主义”到“后福特主义”的过程中社会经济的变化所带来的社会复杂性和动态性,并提出了“参数主义”。2010年,Schumacher出版了The Autopoiesis of Architecture, Volume 1, A New Framework for Architecture一书;随后的2012年,本书的续作The Autopoiesis of Architecture, Volume 2, A New Agenda for Architecture也被发表。

Schumacher曾在斯图加特大学和伦敦南岸大学学习建筑学。他于1990年获得了斯图加特大学建筑学学位。此外,他还曾在波恩和伦敦学习哲学。 1999年,Schumacher在克拉根福大学文化科学学院获得博士学位。

1988年, Schumacher加入扎哈﹒哈迪德事务所,参与哈迪德的第一个建成项目维特拉消防站的设计。自此,Schumacher几乎参与了扎哈的所有项目,包括MAXXI当代艺术与建筑中心,伊斯坦布尔的Kartal Pendik和新加坡的One North。在哈迪德于20164月去世后,他作为唯一合伙人一直领导ZHA

Patrik Schumacher1992年以来一直在英国、欧洲大陆和美国的各建筑学院任教,自1996年以来他一直担任AA设计研究实验室的联合主管。他与扎哈曾共同在伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校、哥伦比亚大学和GSD进行教学。目前,Schumacher是因斯布鲁克大学的终身教授。

Patrik Schumacher, partner of the Zaha Hadid Architects(ZHA), is an architect and architectural theorist. Schumacher has been working with Zaha Hadid since 1988, involved in all projects ZHA undertakes. Besides, Schumacher has been publishing theoretical articles in architectural magazines and anthologies since 1996, arguing for an expanded formal and spatial design repertoire as architecture's response to the new level of societal complexity and dynamism brought on by the socio-economic transition from Fordism to Post-Fordism. He uses the term "parametricism" to denote the use in architecture of advanced computational design techniques. In 2011, Schumacher published the first volume of The Autopoiesis of Architecture, which he called his "opus magnum", claiming to offer a "New Framework for Architecture", followed by the second volume, subtitled A New Agenda for Architecture in 2012.

Schumacher studied architecture at the University of Stuttgart and at the Southbank University in London. He completed his architectural diploma and received his degree Diploma in Architecture form the University of Stuttgart in 1990. He also studied philosophy at Bonn and London Universities. In 1999, he received his PhD at the Institude for Cultural Sciences at the University of Klagenfurt.

In 1988 – still a student – Schumacher joined the design studio of Zaha Hadid, engaged in the design of the Vitra Firestation, the first built project of Hadid. Since then, Schumacher has been involved alongside Zaha Hadid in almost all projects, including the MAXXI Centre of Contemporary Art and Architecture, Kartal Pendik and Singapore One North. After Hadid's death in April 2016, he has been leading the firm as its sole remaining partner.

Patrik Schumacher has been teaching at various architectural schools in Britain, Continental Europe and the USA since 1992 and a co- director of the Design Research Laboratory at the Architectural Association School of Architecture since 1996. He has co-taught a series of post-graduate option studios with Zaha Hadid at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Columbia University and at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. Currently he is tenured Professor at Innsbruck University.



The Autopoiesis of Architecture, Vol.1: A New Framework for Architecture

The Autopoiesis of Architecture, Vol.1: A New Framework for Architecture一书中,Patrik Schumacher探讨了建筑中的关键性区别、概念、价值观、风格、方法和媒介,提供了一个全面的学科分析。 所谓“建筑的自生成”的核心论点是,如果将建筑视为一种信息的自动网络(自生成系统),许多建筑中的现象与问题都可以得到解释。 这些建筑信息包括图纸,文本和建成作品。其中,建成作品构成了建筑信息网络中的一组特殊参考点,作为一种互动的交互框架服务于社会。

In his treatise The Autopoiesis of Architecture, Vol.1: A New Framework for Architecture (2010) Patrik Schumacher analyses architecture’s key distinctions, concepts, values, styles, methods and media. The book thus presents a comprehensive discourse analysis of discipline. The central thesis of “The Autopoiesis of Architecture” is that the phenomenon of architecture can be most adequately grasped if it is analyzed as autonomous network (autopoietic system) of communications. The communications of architecture comprise drawings, texts and built works. The built works of architecture constitute a special set of reference points within the overall network of architectural communications, and serve society as communicative frames for social interaction.

The Autopoiesis of Architecture, Vol.2: A New Agenda for Architecture

The Autopoiesis of Architecture的第二卷中,Patrik Schumacher提出了当代建筑的一个新议程,以应对当前社会和技术发展带来的挑战和机遇。本书结尾推出了参数化主义宣言,用以作为21世纪统一的划时代国际风格。要实现这个目标,这种统一性风格必须由一个整合了众多理论的统一理论体系的支持和指导:建筑的社会功能理论、学科自我区分、先锋理论、美学理论、媒体理论、过程论等。建筑自生成理论提出了一个综合的理论体系:它需要在学科演进中借助对理性思考的重建和系统化形成统一的理论,并开放性地接纳批评和建设性的阐述。

In the second Volume of his opus magnum - The Autopoiesis of Architecture, Vol.2: A New Agenda for Architecture – Patrik Schumacher proposes a new agenda for contemporary architecture in response to the challenges and opportunities posed by current societal and technological developments. The Volume ends with a manifesto for the new style of Parametricism, promoted as candidate to become the unified, epochal style for the 21st century. To be credible, a unified style must be backed up and guided by a unified theoretical system that is able to integrate many partial theories: a theory of architecture’s societal function, a theory of the discipline’s self-demarcation, a theory of the avant-garde, aesthetic theory, media theory, process theory etc. The theory of architectural autopoiesis presents such an integrated theoretical system. It is nothing other than the rational reconstruction and systematization of the discursively evolving discipline, made explicit as unified theory and opened up to criticism and constructive elaboration.



PhD Dissertation Research Seminar



International PhD Program of Architecture----Computational Design and Digital Fabrication



徐磊青 Leiqing XU

ProfessorTongji University CAUP

Patrik Schumacher

Visiting ProfessorTongji University CAUP

陆兴华 Xinghua LU

Professor, School of Humanities, Tongji University


Neil Leach

Advisory ProfessorTongji University CAUP

袁烽 Philip F. YUAN

ProfessorTongji University CAUP

博士生/PhD Candidates

柴华 Hua CHAI

赵冰 Bing ZHAO

周渐佳 Jianjia ZHOU

闫超 Chao YAN



Tuesday, 27. Nov 2018 15:00



CAUP, Tongji University

Freedom and Architecture


主讲人/Keynote Speaker

Patrik Schumacher



Tuesday, 27. Nov 2018 18:30



D2 Auditorium, Building D, CAUP, Tongji University
