【3月12日 学术讲座】透过镜头思考:视觉城市探索与中国化伦敦的思考



Thinking Through the Lens: visual urban exploration and thoughts on Chinese London

讲座人:卡罗琳·诺尔斯 教授(伦敦大学金史密斯分校社会学)

主持人:华霞虹 教授




This lecture I will probe what is involved in researching cities through making photographic images. I will explore the sociological work that photographs can do in the context of ethnographic exploration of cities and the people who live in them. How might we think about cities? And, indeed, what is a photograph? How can we capture scenes of everyday life? What kinds of considerations are involved in making visual urban commentaries? In this lecture I will draw on some of my research collaborations with photographers and discuss the finding of a small-scale project exploring the lives of young Chinese migrants in London, and some of the ways in which London is a Chinese city.


Caroline Knowles is Professor of Sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London and director of the British Academy Cities and Infrastructure Programme. She holds a Major Leverhulm Fellowship supporting her current research Serious Money: a mobile investigation of plutocratic London. She is the author of many books and articles concerned with cities, space, ethnicity, migration and mobilities as well as visual and biographical research methods. Her most recent books involve collaboration with photographers’: Flip-Flop: a Journey Through Globalisation’s Backroads (Pluto 2014) www.flipfloptrail.com and Hong Kong: Migrant Lives, Landscapes and Journeys (University of Chicago 2009) with Douglas Harper.