【9月16日 学术讲座】The Renascence of Form-type

The Renascence of Form-type:

Chen Qikuan's Architectural Exploration at Tunghai University

The early architecture of Tunghai University from 1950s to 1960s is a rare settlement  sample in the history of Chinese modern architecture. It is an exploration of modern architecture based on Chinese traditional tectonic and spatial typo-order The lecture will reveal Chen Qikuan's systematic and multi-directional efforts in this exploration , and will also compare his works with Wang Dahong's as well as its impact on the lecturer's own projects.


<课程讲座 | 祝晓峰:The Renascence of Form-type>


时间:09月16日 , 19:00–21:00

地点:建筑与城市规划学院 B楼 钟庭报告厅