【9月17日 学术讲座】零碳主动式建筑

9月17日,英国卡迪夫大学建筑学院教授、低碳建成环境研究项目负责人Phil Jones将来到同济大学建筑与城市规划学院D2报告厅,带来一场有关零碳主动式建筑的学术讲座。


Phil Jones:零碳主动式建筑

主讲   Phil Jones [菲尔·琼斯]

主持    袁烽教授

时间   2019年9月17日 16:00-17:00

地点    同济大学建筑与城市规划学院D楼D2报告厅



本报告将会讨论 零碳主动式建筑设计的全建筑系统攻略,包括节能设计、可再生能源供给和能量储存。它将参考英国、欧洲以及世界其他地区的设计研究案例。展望部分将探讨建筑作为我们未来能量系统不可缺少的一部分所扮演的角色。

There is an urgent need to reduce fossil fuel, energy use and carbon dioxide emissions in the built environment. Zero and low carbon buildings combine energy efficient design with renewable energy systems. Energy positive buildings generate more energy on an annual basis from renewables than they need for meeting their heating, cooling and appliance demand loads. The presentation will discuss the design of zero carbon energy positive buildings using a whole-building ‘systems’ approach, including energy efficient design, renewable energy supply and energy storage. It will refer to examples from design and research projects in the UK, Europe and elsewhere. A forward look will explore the role of buildings as an integral part of our future energy system.

菲尔·琼斯 (Phil Jones)



菲尔·琼斯为英国卡迪夫大学建筑学院教授,研究建成环境的节能,低碳和可持续设计方向。琼斯教授同时参与共同管理能源系统大学研究中心(URI),涉及物理和社会科学方面。琼斯教授曾于2002到2013年期间担任建筑学院院长,2008年到2015年期间主持威尔士低碳研究中心。2015年到2017年期间,琼斯教授为香港大学著名客座研究教授,同时和中国多所大学有合作联系。目前,琼斯教授主要牵头卡迪夫大学低碳建成环境研究项目,同时主持威尔士政府的建筑规范咨询委员会,另为温暖威尔士的董事会主席。温暖威尔士为社会公益机构,旨在减少低收入家庭的燃料贫乏状况。琼斯教授是新成立的Zenergy设计公司的合伙人之一,该公司主要设计正能耗建筑。琼斯教授同时也是位于瑞士的环境设计公司Jones  Kopitsis AG合伙人之一。

Prof. Phil Jones is Professor of  Architectural Science at the Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff  University and his research area is in low energy, low carbon, and  sustainable design in the built environment. He currently co-directs the  Energy Systems University Research Institute encompassing the physical  and social sciences.  He was Head of School between 2002 and 2013 and he  chaired Wales Low Carbon Research Institute from 2008 to 2015. He was a  Distinguished Visiting Research Professor at Hong Kong University from  2015 to 2017, and have collaborated with a number of Chinese  universities. He currently leads the Low Carbon Built Environment  research programme at Cardiff University. He currently chairs the Welsh  Government’s Building Regulations Advisory Committee and is Chairman of  the Board of Directors of Warm Wales, which is a community interest  company focusing on reducing fuel poverty. He is a partner in the  newly-formed company Zenergy Design Ltd, which designs energy positive  buildings and a partner in the Swiss-based environmental design company  Jones Kopitsis AG.