【11月11日 学术讲座】 Towards a Critical Pragmatism

Dr. Xiangning Li is deputy dean and full professor in history, theory and criticism at Tongji University College of Architecture and Urban Planning. He is a member of CICA (Comité International des Critiques d'Architecture), and Secretary General of China Architectural Society Architectural Criticism Committee. He is Editor in Chief of the international magazine Architecture China. He serves as advisory board member of Confluence Institute for Innovation and Creative Strategies in Architecture, and editorial board member of magazines including Plan and Le Visiteur (Journal of Société Française des Architectes).

He has been a jury member to many international awards and competitions including Spanish International Architectural Award, and Mies van der Rohe Award the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture. He taught and lectured in universities and institutes including Princeton University,TU Darmstadt,UCLA,USC,Chalmers University, IUAV,IAAC,Canadian Center for Architecture. He was a Visiting Professor in Architecture at Harvard GSD in 2016.

He is co-curator of 2011 Chendu Biennale, 2011 Shenzhen Biennale, academic director and curator of 2013 Shenzhen/Hong Kong Bi-city Biennale, curator of Shanghai Westbund 2013 Biennale, and curator for 2015 and 2017 Shanghai Urban Space Art Season. He serves as director for 2017 Busan Architectural Culture Festival (Korea)and recently curated the Chinese Pavilion at 2018 Venice Biennale.

His recent books include The Real and the Imagined: A Study of Value in Contemporary Urban Theory(2009), Updating China: Projects for a Sustainable Future(2010),Made in Shanghai (2014) ,Shanghai Regeneration(2017)and Towards a Critical Pragmatism:Contemporary Chinese Architecture(2018).

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时间:11月11日 , 19:00–20:30

地点:建筑与城市规划学院 B楼 钟庭报告厅