【3月6-27日 学术讲座】数字未来系列论坛 · 三月活动预告

DigitalFUTURES 系列活动  3月讲座预告

关于 “数字未来”



DigitalFUTURES Talks:

DeepGreen:Bio-Design in the Age of AI

2021.03.06  9:00am EST / 3:00pm CET / 10:00pm China


Topic: DeepGreen explores the future of Bio-Design in the age of AI. This panel brings together leading researchers whose work integrates biology and computation and design. What are the possibilities for ecological agency? How does technology inform biological designs?  

DigitalFUTURES Talks:

Female Designers From the Arab World

2021.03.13  9:00am EST / 3:00pm CET / 10:00pm China


Topic :Over the last two decades, especially after the revolutionary changes brought by the Arab Spring, Arab feminists have challenged prior conditions, signaling a wave of major societal and political change, and leading socio-cultural transformation. A positive consequence is that more female computational designers and architects are emerging in the region. The session recognizes some of those female intellectual computational designers and researchers from the Arabian world who are changing the ecology of the built environment. 

DigitalFUTURES Talks:

The Death of Culture

2021.03.20  9:00am EST / 3:00pm CET / 10:00pm China


Topic: What is culture? Can everything be culture? Elusive, mixed and unique, culture promotes new projects. Architecture as a cultural process is an invitation to all project disciplines to connect in a network in which they exceed their limits, overflow them, imagine them and let them run free. We bring together experts working in the field of Theory, Architecture and Design to discuss The Death of Culture

DigitalFUTURES Talks:

In Deep Water2021.03.27  9:00am EST / 3:00pm CET / 10:00pm China

主题:经过几十年的非正式存在,人类世一词已成为当前地质时代的实际名称,影响最深的领域之一是水域,从融化的冰盖到深海采矿,从海平面上升到沉降逐渐降低 以及探索热带大城市等地区洪水泛滥的情况。该小组探讨了当代专家研究范围,这些专家致力于解决与海平面上升有关的紧迫问题。

Topic :After decades of informal presence, the term Anthropocene has become the actual designation of the current geological era and one of the most profoundly affected spheres is the realm of water, from melting ice caps to deep-sea mining, from sea level rise to decreasing subsidence and increasing flood occurrence in tropical mega-cities, etc. This panel explores the contemporary research spectrum of experts addressing the urgent issues associated with the sea level rise.

以上活动可以在 B站直播间 观看:



Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/digitalfuturesworld/live


Call for Submissions

我们正在为DigitalFUTURES Young主题会议“海平线气候变化(Sea Level & Climate Change)”征集高校学生和青年研究人员演讲者。项目需要在美东时间2021327日中午12点之前提交。被选定的项目将于美东时间2021410日上午9:00开始讲演。每个讲演持续10分钟。








演讲时间:美东时间上午9:00/欧洲中部时间下午3:00/中国时间下午10:00 2021410


We are reaching out to our community for the submission of students’ and young researchers’ projects for the DigitalFUTURES Young session on Sea Level & Climate Change. Research projects need to be submitted by the end of day on 27 March 2021. Selected projects will be presented on 10 April 2021 from 10.00 am EST. Presentations will last 10 minutes each.

Submission materials:

·Short bio(s)

·CV (including degrees, awards, scholarships and publications)

Title of proposed presentation

·300 word abstract of proposed presentation

·Work sample (architectural design or published article - max 5MB file size)

Submission deadline: End of day 27 March 2021

Presentations: 10 April 2021 @ 10.00am EST / 4.00pm CET / 10.00pm China

Apply Link: https://forms.gle/GiaLNc1ww6BSaL1WA

内容提供 | DigitalFUTURES 组委会  编辑  | LM, Cora