【6月2日 学术讲座】“城市管理精细化”:概念、实践与问题



Doctoral Program 2021 Spring 

当代中国城市问题选讲系列讲座 第14讲

Lectures on Selected Contemporary China Urban Issues Lecture 14


Elaborated Urban Management: Concept, Practice and Problems

课程主持:伍 江 教授

Chaired by: Prof. Jiang WU



主讲人:周鸣浩 副教授

Lecturer: Associate Prof. Minghao ZHOU


Time: 19:00-20:35, 06/02/2021


Venue: Room D1, 5F, Building D, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University






As Mr. XI Jinping, the President of China indicated in 2017, the way of urban management shall be as elaborated as that of using an embroidery needle. Soon after, the Shanghai municipality proposed and carried out the first round of the Three Year Plan of Urban Elaborated Management, and in 2020, for the first time compiling the 14th Five Year Plan of Shanghai Urban Elaborated Management. This action does not only reflect the transition of the urban development pattern of Shanghai as one of the biggest megacities within the context of urban regeneration but also is changing the notion of the urban planning, construction, and management divisions of Shanghai municipality. This lecture would like to focus on the key concept of “Elaborated Urban management” which has been frequently mentioned and applied in the governing documents and social media, clarifying its significance, introducing the relevant practice in Shanghai, and discussing the problems and difficulties it is supposed to be confronted with from a deeper level.






课程主持:伍 江 教授

上课时间:每周三晚 19:00-20:35

