【09月27日 学术讲座】雷纳·班纳姆(二):二战之后的建成环境议题


Speaker: JIANG Jiawei


时间:9月27日 19:00-20:35                     地点:文远楼A215

Time:19:00-20:35, Sept.27th                  Place:A215, CAUP

Brief Introduction

  Both in his 1965 article “A Home is Not A House” and the 1969 book The Architecture of the Well-tempered Environment, Reyner Banham points out the emerging problem of built environment is by no means due to a separation of architecture and engineering but comes from the conundrum that architects lack proper toolkits of thinking for built environment. It has to be confessed that the core rudiments of the Laugier-Corbusier era, such as formal languages and compositional laws, should concede to the theory of equipment and appliances that fit the building procedures of a machine-driven world. This lecture, by using the aforementioned two reading materials as analysis object, reflects on the issue of built environment and relevant problems proposed by Reyner Banham and his contemporaries after the WWII.

  雷纳·班纳姆在他1965年的文章《家并非房子》(A Home is Not A House)以及1969年的书《良好环境调控的建筑》(The Architecture of the Well-tempered Environment)里都指出了,建成环境问题的出现绝对不是因为建筑学与工程学的分离,而是来自一个难题——建筑师缺少应对建成环境问题的思维工具。在此背景之下,我们不得不承认的是,类似形式语汇、构图法则这样的“洛吉埃-柯布西耶”(Laugier-Corbusier)时代的核心原理,应当要让步于那些关于器具和设备的理论——这种理论适配了一个由机器驱动的世界里的各种建造流程。本场讲座以上述的两篇阅读材料作为分析对象,反思班纳姆及其同侪在第二次世界大战之后提出的建成环境及相关问题。