中非可持续发展研讨会 - 主题报告 8
Resource status and urban sustainable development in China
Ressources et Développement durable urbaine en Chine
Prof. LI Jingshen
Department of Urban Planning
College of Architectural Design and Urban Planning, Tongji University

China is a country with vast natural resources, however, shortage in natural resources per capita. The occupancy volume of any main natural resources per capita is well below the average level in the world. Since 1980, the urban population of China has increased by more than 10 million people every year. By the middle of this century, the urbanization rate of China will have experience a period of rapid rate anywhere from 40% to 70%. Due to the unbalanced geographical distribution between cities and natural resources in China, plus the energy structure relies mainly on coal, energy and resource service efficiency of cities in China are low, the environmental problems are becoming more serious, and the sustainable development of the cities are facing severe challenges. In recent years, China, on one hand, continues to make adjustments on the industrial structure to raise its level in modern service industries. On the other hand, promotes a resource saving model and an environmental friendly society model. While learning from developing countries, ideas and technology suitable for the cities in China are constantly being explored. And through the adjustment and establishment in urban regulation of planning and construction, offers support for sustainable development of the city.