中非可持续发展研讨会 - 主题报告 11
City and Housing -
6 topics of sustainable Housing-Development in Shanghai
城市与住宅 –
Ville et logement –
six sujets sur le développement du logement durable à Shanghai
Prof. LI  Zhenyu
In the last 30 years, the housing development in Shanghai has been through a great transformation:  from social housing system to market system; from an average 3.9 sq. m/person bedroom area to more than 16 sq. m/person. The total housing floor area is now 10 times more than what it was in 1979. The energy of the development is the change in land use.
But now, new questions of the housing development are:
1.      Balance among the private ownership-housing, rent –housing, and social housing?
2.      High- rise or low- rise? (3, 6, 11, 18, 30?)
  High-density or low-density? (FAR= 0.5? 1.0? 1.5? 2.0? 2.5?)
3.      Large or small?  (70 % <90 sq m)
4.      Central city, new Town or new Village?
5.      Old urban or new settlement?
6.      Global or local?
With the analysis we can find, the word “Sustainable” does not have a definite form. “Sustainable” has the same goal all over the world, but does not have the same answer everywhere. It will be strongly connected with the location, time and social background.