
日期 |
时间 |
活动 |
2017/10/10 周二 |
全天 |
抵达上海,学员注册 |
2017/10/11 周三 钟庭 |
上午 |
开营仪式 讲座 主题:“上海城市空间(问题)+学科交叉(视角和方法)” |
下午 |
博士生研究方法系列讲座 (1.建筑,2.规划,3.景观) |
2017/10/12 周四
全天 |
讲座+城市空间考察 历史空间 (里弄、工业遗产等) |
2017/10/13 周五 |
全天 |
讲座+城市空间考察: 滨水空间 (外滩、小陆家嘴、徐汇西岸、世博最佳实践区等) |
2017/10/14 周六 |
全天 |
讲座+城市空间考察: 郊区空间 (新城、水乡等) |
2017/10/15 周日 |
上午 |
中期汇报与讨论(英文) |
下午 |
2017上海城市空间艺术季开幕式、展览及相关活动 |
2017/10/16 周一 |
上午 |
建筑全球政治罗盘论坛 |
下午 |
2017/10/17 周二 |
上午 |
可持续垂直城市主义论坛 |
下午 |
2017/10/18 周三 |
上午 |
建筑前沿论坛 |
上午 |
规划前沿论坛 |
晚上 |
特邀学术讲座 |
2017/10/19 周四 |
上午 |
景观前沿论坛 |
下午 |
分组讨论及汇报文件制作 |
2017/10/20 周五 |
上午 |
分组讨论及汇报文件制作 |
下午 |
最终成果汇报(英文) 国际博士生院结业仪式 |
2017/10/21 周六 |
自由活动 |
2017/10/22 周日 |
离开上海 |
The 2017 International Doctoral School of Future City and Architecture
The International Doctoral School of Future City and Architecture organized by CAUP of Tongji Unviersity is going to be held October 11, 2017. It is composed of two parts, a workshop forcusing on research proposal and research method training and five academic forums.
1) Workshop on research proposal and research method training
This workshop will offer the PhD. students intensified training on how to develop thesis proposal, using proper research method and making clear and feasible research plan. During the workshop, divided into groups, led by tutors, the participants will visit and investigate three types of specific Shanghai urban spaces (Historical Space, Waterfront Space and Suburban Space) one by one in three days, and will be required to select one type of urban as presumed research object. Each group of students will collaborate to search for the reasonable research questions, applying interdisciplinary perspective and methods, preparing the literature review, and proposing a systematic research plan as well as drawing a possible research conclusion.
The participants will have two opportunities to present their research.
The first is mid-term presentation which is placed right after the three-days city tours, each group shall confirm their research object, proposing the possible research directions, and developing the proposal by the aid of tutors, thus initially framing the research question and structure; The second is final presentation which is at the end of the whole program, the participants will be required to present the whole package of research proposal by PPT within limited time to the Jury. Those best presentations will get certain rewards.
2) Forum and lectures
Between the mid-term presentation and final presentation, the International Doctoral School organizes five forums for the participants, which include “Architectural Global Political Compass”, “Sustainable Vertical Urbanism”, “Frontier of Architecture”, “Frontier of Urban Planning”, “Frontier of Landscape Architecture”.
The first forum is a continuity of 2017 Shanghai Urban Space Art Season, to provide audience comprehensive narrative as well as critical perspectives on the relationship between contemporary architecture and political agenda by means of lecture and dialogue. The second forum is co-organized by CAUP of Tongji University and CTBUH, to inquire and envision the future development of high-density city. The rest three are chaired by three departments of CAUP, to present the frontier researches or tendencies in each discipline. In total, the program is supposed to contain more than twenty lectures, an academic feast awaiting PhD candidates to participate in.