Speaker: JIANG Jiawei
时间:9月13日 19:00-20:35 地点:文远楼A215
Time:19:00-20:35, Sept.13th Place:A215, CAUP
Brief Introduction
Peter Reyner Banham plays a key transitional role in the history narration and critique in architecture and design from around 1955 to 1985. His writings in the three decades cover almost all the topics from the First Machine Age to the Second Machine Age. This speech, as the first of a series of three lectures on Banham in this course, includes the following: 1. Elaboration of the differences between history of art, history of science, history of technology to comprehend what the course “Machine and Environment” teaches; 2. In which ways Banham makes his arguments based on a critique of the Modern Movement; 3. How his aesthetic of machine differs from that of his predecessors in the 1920-30s, and how he contributes to the circles of art and architecture in the 1950-60s. A practical bibliography of his writings is also provided.