【9月21日 学术讲座】几何学与经验: 反思巴洛克建筑的“模糊性”


Architectural Theory and History Ⅱ: Western Architectural History

Geometry and Experience: reflecting on the “unclarity” of Baroque architecture



ZHAO Yue 赵越

Yue Zhao is a doctoral candidate at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta), ETH Zurich. Her Phd research focuses on the interaction between the field of architecture and optic psychology around 1900 in Germany, aiming to illuminate the origins of the mechanics of constructing and reading the modern visual environment. Yue obtained a master’s degree in architectural history and theory at Southeast University, China, and a MAS at gta, ETH Zurich. She has published essays, translations, comments, and interviews in various architectural journals and books, such as Architectural Journal, The Architect, and Architectural Ethnography(2018). Besides, she is also interested in testing different visual languages through making graphic novels.



Time: September 21, 2022 (Wednesday), 1900–2035



Tencent Meeting ID: 447972109, Password: 7346

腾讯会议号: 447972109, 密码: 7346


This lecture focuses on how the visual “unclarity” of the Baroque architecture — a concept borrowed from art historian Heinrich Wölfflin — was achieved through the geometric clarity. Key questions are, on the one hand, how does the formal language we call Baroque reflect the fragility, relativity, and virtuality of visual perception? How does this new understanding of vision relate to the development of empiricist philosophy in the second half of the seventeenth century? On the other hand, how did the desire for sensory stimulation in Baroque architecture materialize through newly invented geometric techniques of drawing and construction? And how did these techniques develop and spread between various scientific and artistic fields through the newly established national research institutions across Europe?



Primary literature

1. Bosse, Abraham. Manière universelle de Mr. Girard Desargues, pour pratiquer la perspective par petit-pied, comme le geometral. Paris, 1648.

2. Pozzo, Andrea. Perspectiva pictorum et architectorum Andreae Putei e Societate Jesu. Pars Prima. Romae, 1693.

3. Guarini, Guarino. Architettura Civile del Padre D. Guarino Guarini. Cherico Regolare opera postume dedicata a Sua Sacre Reale Maesta. Torino, 1737.

Secondary literature

4.  Wölfflin, Heinrich. Renaissance und Barock. München, 1888. (en. tr. Renaissance and Baroque, New York: Cornell University Press 1967).

5. Baxandall, Michael. Patterns of Intention. On the Historical Explanation of Pictures. Yale University Press, 1985.

6. Evans, Robin. The Projective Cast. Architecture and Its Three Geometries. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1995.

7. Hersey, George L.. Architecture and Geometry in the age of Baroque. Chicago/London: The University of Chicago Press, 2000.

8. Gal, Ofer and Raz Chen-Morris(eds.). Science in the Age of Baroque. Springer Netherlands, 2012.

9. Oechslin, Werner, “On Borromini’s drawings and “practical geometry”: voleva dentro una cosa cavare un’altra, e nell’altra l’altra senza fi nire mai.” Mansure, Adil and Skender Luarasi(eds.), Finding San Carlino. Collected Perspectives on the Geometry of the Baroque. London/New York: Routledge, 2020: 8-24


Bosse, Abraham. Moyen universel de pratiquer la perspective sur les tableaux ou surface irregulieres. Paris, 1653.