【9月28日 学术讲座】| 环境可持续设计中的模拟、数字及智能

2022年秋季研究生课程数字建筑学的理论、历史与方法讨论 ”系列讲座  02

Sustainable Environmental Design:

Analogue, Digital and Intelligent


Speaker:  YANG Feng


Associate ProfessorCAUP, Tongji University


时间:928 15:30-17:05     

Time:15:30-17:05, Septemberl 28th 

Tencent Meeting ID549935963    Password: 8087

Brief Introduction

Design with nature (air, sun, and earth) is not new. Today human-induced climate change requires thoughtful Sustainable Environmental Design to help reach the goal of carbon-neutral society. SED aims at improving the health and comfort of buildings, neighborhoods and cities for people, while also helping to reduce the negative impacts on the environment. This talk will give a brief overview of approaches to SED, from analogue (i.e. physical observation and measurement) to digital representation and computational design, further to the latest development in machine learning that enhance, improve or aid SED. Cornerstone books and seminal papers will be introduced and discussed, research and consultant projects will be shared.


Speaker Information



Associate ProfessorCAUP, Tongji University


YANG Feng is an Associate Professor of CAUP, Tongji University, he’s research focuses on climate-responsive urban design and passive and low-energy architecture. He developed an Urban Environmental Atlas that aims to quantify, visualize and assess the urban thermal environment and its impact on pedestrian thermal comfort, urban building energy consumption and public space quality for high-density urban areas. He has published one book (High-Rise Urban Form and Microclimate: Climate-Responsive Design for Asian Mega-Cities, Springer, 2020) and over thirty peer-reviewed journal papers. Principle Investigator of over ten completed and undergoing research funds, including three China National Natural Science Funds (NNSF) and Fund of Innovative Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. He research in building Energy-efficiency design and technology won him the 2rd Prize of 2021 Shanghai Science and Technology Award.

杨峰,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院副教授,主要研究气候响应的城市和建筑设计技术及被动式低能耗建筑。研发量化城市形态与微气候、建筑能耗及综合环境优化指标的关联理论方法,形成城市/建筑集群形态的热舒适及能耗评价和设计优化工具。相关领域发表论文30余篇,其中SCI/SSCI/AHCI收录12篇次;出版英文专著High-Rise Urban Form and Microclimate: Climate-Responsive Design for Asian Mega-Cities, Springer Nature(高层城市形态与微气候:亚洲超大城市的气候响应设计);主持国家自然科学基金3项、国家重点研发计划子课题1项、省部级纵向及横向科研课题多项。