【10月12日 学术讲座】| The Architecture of the École des Beaux-Arts

2022-2023学年秋季学期本科生课程《建筑理论与历史(英):西方建筑史专题讲座》系列讲座  04

The Architecture of the École des Beaux-Arts


WANG Yanze


Wang Yanze is the assistant professor at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, and Class 1 Registered Architect of PRC. Her research concerns the evolution of architectural education and the pedagogy of architectural design. She was granted doctoral degree in architectural design and theory by Southeast University in 2019. She served as a visiting researcher or tutor at Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Brno University of Technology. Her publications include but are not limited to Beaux-Arts Composition and Its Evolution in China's Architectural EducationSCI and A&HCI, Pure Design: A Transitional Case of American Architectural Education in the Early 20th Century (CSSCI), and Study on the Revival of Beaux-Arts Research in the 1970s of the United States.

汪妍泽,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院助理教授,国家一级注册建筑师。2019年获东南大学建筑设计及其理论博士学位,研究关注中西方建筑教育发展历程及其建筑设计教学法变革。曾访学及任教于哥伦比亚大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、香港中文大学、布尔诺理工大学等高校。先后发表Beaux-Arts Composition and Its Evolution in China's Architectural EducationSCI,  A&HCI)、纯粹设计: 20世纪初美国建筑教育转型一例” (CSSCI)“20 世纪70 年代美国布扎研究复兴浅析”等相关主题中英文期刊论文。


Time: October 12, 2022 (Wednesday), 1900–2035



Tencent Meeting ID: 447972109, Password: 7346

腾讯会议号: 447972109, 密码: 7346

Brief Introduction

This lecture concentrates on the architecture of the École des Beaux-Arts and its educational system, aims to depict a full image of the concept of the École des Beaux-Arts, and open a discussion to its influence on modern architecture. The target is approached from three topics – French Beaux-Arts system including atelier, competition and composition; American Beaux-Arts transplanting in high education of universities; its decline corresponding to the shade of Modernism and a retrospection along with modern architecture debates.

本讲座着重解读法国布扎建筑思想及其教育体系的发展与传播历程,旨在全面展现布扎建筑教育的同时,挖掘其对现代建筑发展的积极意义。讲座从三方面议题切入讨论:1. 法国布扎建筑的发展,包括画室、竞赛以及构图的系统教育模式建构;2. 美国布扎教育的兴起,布扎教学体系在美国大学中的改良与变革;3. 布扎的衰落与回归,现代主义建筑思想冲击下反思布扎建筑的当代价值。


1. EGBERT D D. The Beaux-Arts Tradition in French Architecture: Illustrated by the Grand Prix de Rome[M]. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1980.

2. DREXLER A. etc. ed. The Architecture of the École des Beaux-arts[M]. New York: Museum of Modern Art. 1977.

3. HARBESON J F. The Study of Architectural Design with Special Reference to the Program of the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design[M]. New York: The Pencil Points Press, 1927.

4. CURTIS N C. Architectural Composition[M]. Cleveland: J.H.Jansen, 1926.

5. HAMLIN T. Forms and Functions of Twentieth-Century Architecture: the Principles of Composition[M]. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952.

6. FRAMPTON K, with LATOUR A. Notes on American Architectural Education: from the End of the Nineteenth Century until 1970s[J]. Lotus International, 27: 5-39.

7. 单踊. 西方学院派建筑教育史研究[M]. 南京: 东南大学出版社, 2012.

Shan Y. Historic Studies of Western Academicisim of Architecture Education. Nanjing: Southeast University Press, 2012.

8. OCKMAN J, with WILLIAMSON R. ed. Architecture School: Three Centuries of Educating Architects in North America. Washington D C: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture; Cambridge, Mass and London: the MIT Press, 2012.


Jean-Louis Pascal, A Town House in Paris for a Rich Banker. 1866. 1er Grand Prix.

from The Architecture of the École des Beaux-Arts: an exhibition presented at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, October 29, 1975-January 4, 1976 [M]. New York: The Museum, 1975.