【10月26日 学术讲座】| 线与力:新艺术运动的科学计划

2022-2023年秋季学期本科生课程《建筑理论与历史Ⅱ(英):西方建筑史专题讲座》系列讲座 05

A Line is A Force: The Scientific Program of Art Nouveau


Speaker:ZHAO Yue



腾讯会议号: 447972109, 密码: 7346

Time: October 26, 2022 (Wednesday), 19002035

Tencent Meeting ID: 447972109, Password: 7346

Brief Introduction

Through three architectures”—a text, an exhibition and a museumdesigned by the architect Henry van der Velde at the turn of the twenties century, this lecture attempts to illustrate the scientific frame of the Art Nouveau movement and its cultural program. Starting from van de Veldes famous motto a line is a force, the lecture intensively examines the psychological concepts and methods used by the pioneering artists of the time to discusslinear aesthetics, while it extensively depicts the cultural obsession with line around 1900, namely a desire to shape line into a universal language capable of communicating between science, technology, art, and architecture. Finally, the lecture attempts to find in the LINE the hidden agenda of  architectural modernism.

通过建筑师亨利·范德费尔德在20世纪初设计的三个 “建筑”,一段文字,一场展览,和一座博物馆,本讲座试图说明新艺术运动的科学框架及其文化计划。从范德费尔德的著名格言“线即力”出发,讲座将集中揭示当时先锋艺术家们在讨论“线条美学”时所使用的心理学概念和方法。同时,它将广泛勾勒世纪之交对线条的文化迷恋,即一种将线条塑造成能够在科学、技术、艺术和建筑之间交流的通用语言的愿望。最后,讲座试图在线条中寻找现代主义建筑的隐藏议程。

Speaker Information

Yue Zhao is a doctoral candidate at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta), ETH Zurich. Her Phd research focuses on the interaction between the field of architecture and optic psychology around 1900 in Germany, aiming to illuminate the origins of the mechanics of constructing and reading the modern visual environment. Yue obtained a masters degree in architectural history and theory at Southeast University, China, and a MAS at gta, ETH Zurich. She has published essays, translations, comments, and interviews in various architectural journals and books, such as Architectural Journal, The Architect, and Architectural Ethnography(2018). Besides, she is also interested in testing different visual languages through making graphic novels.



1.  Henry van de Velde, Prinzipielle Erklärungen, Kunstgewerbliche Laienpredigten, Leipzig: Hermann Seemann Nachfolger, 1902.

2.  Linie und Form: Erläut. Verzeichnis der Ausstellung formenschöner Erzeugnisse der Natur, Kunst und Technik im Kaiser-Wilhelm-Museum zu Krefeld, April und Mai 1904, Krefeld: Kramer & Baum, 1904.

Secondary literature

3.  Katherine M. Kuenzli, Henry Van de Velde: Designing Modernism, New Haven/London: Yale

University Press, 2019.

4.  Estelle Thibault. Constructing Emotions. The Scientific Aesthetics of Architecture in France 18601900.Bressani, Martin; Contandriopoulos, Christina. The Companions to the History of Architecture, Volume III, John Wiley & Sons, 2017: 432-447.

5.  M. Norton Wise, Neo-Classical Aesthetics of Art and Science: Hermann Helmholtz and the Frog-Drawing Machine, the Hans Rausing Lecture 2007, Uppsala university, 2008.

6.  David Morgan, The Idea of Abstraction in German Theories of the Ornament from Kant to

Kandinsky,The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 50, No. 3 (Summer, 1992): 231-242.


Pillars in entrance hall and exhibition room of the Folkwang Museum, Hagen, Germany, designed by Henry van de Velde in 1902 © Bildarchiv Foto Marburg / Photo: unknown; Rec. date: 1906/1940.