
世界范围内最具影响的世界大学排名之一QSQuacquarelli Symonds,英国教育及留学机构)2023年世界大学学科最新排名发布。同济大学建筑与城市规划学院(College of Architecture and Urban PlanningTongji University)在“建筑与建成环境”学科领域排名中上升至第12!






About the College





学院共发行国内国际重要影响期刊九本,其中中文学术期刊三本:《城市规划学刊》《时代建筑》《建筑遗产》,英文学术期刊五本:《Built Heritage》《Architecture Asia》《Architecture China》《Frontiers of Urban and Rural Planning》《Architectural Intelligence》,协办中文学术期刊一本《园林》。通过国际建造节、联合设计教学、海外访学计划、国际双学位培养、国际夏令营、国际博士生院、国际论坛和国际联合科研等一系列项目,学院形成了特有的全球影响。



The College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) of Tongji University has a history of long standing and a rich disciplinary foundation. Currently, CAUP consists of three departments including: Architecture, Urban Planning, and Landscape. There are five undergraduate majors:Architecture, Urban and Rural planning, Uban Design, Landscape Architecture, and Historic Building Conservation Engineering; three first-class Post-Doc, Doctoral and Master's program of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning, and Landscape Architecture. With its complete and systematic settings, CAUP has become one of the largest faculty among its peers, both domestically or internationally. Architecture, Urban and Rural planning, and Landscape Architecture have all been selected as the top class subjects in the national “First-Class University”  initiative. Urban and Rural planning (including Architecture and Landscape Architecture), and Architecture (including Urban and Rural Planning and Landscape Architecture) has been selected as one of the Class-I Peak Disciplines of Shanghai and the Key Subjects of Shanghai respectively.


The college has played crucial roles in discipline development. Our faculty members are taking leadership roles in various academia institutions such as the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, the First Level Commission, the Professional Steering Committee and the Professional Evaluation Committee in the field of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning and Landscape Architecture. Besides, professors have also devoted themselves to provide insights in discipline development, professional guidance, and policy making.


At CAUP, global engagement is a long term commitment, which integrated through our teaching and research programs, such as international construction festival, joint design workshop, overseas study programs, international double degree programs, international summer camps, international forums and international joint research projects and the International Doctoral School. The college are hosting the publication of nine national and international journals, including <Urban Planning Forum> ,<Time + Architecture>, <Heritage Architecture>, <Built Heritage>, <Architecture Asia>, <Architecture China>, <Frontiers of Urban and Rural Planning>, and <Architectural Intelligence>, and co-edit <Landscape Architecture academic journal>.


Bearing the mission of the four services” in mind, CAUP takes enabling all students to grow as its top priority, building a sustainable living environment as its responsibility, and developing into a world-class college in the fields of architecture, urban planning, and landscape as its goal. It will carry forward its proud traditions, reinforce domestic and international cooperation, constantly pursue innovation, and strive to develop world-class disciplines, with the aim of becoming an education and academic center with a significant global influence.