【4月14日 学术讲座】| 基于结构性能的建筑设计






Architectural Design Based on Structural Performance



先进的拓扑优化技术是实现的结构轻量化设计的重要途径。双向渐进结构优化方法(Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization, BESO) 由谢亿民团队创立。经过二十多年的不断拓展和完善,双向渐进结构优化法在工程和建筑领域得到了广泛的实际应用。该方法的基本思路简单明了,即逐渐去除结构中的低效材料、或逐步将材料从低效区域转移至高效区域,最终获得重量轻而性能高的设计。双向渐进结构优化法易于实现,有着广泛的应用前景,从飞机与汽车的减重降耗,到建筑与桥梁的美观构造,该方法都能提供新颖而高效的设计。本次报告将介绍双向渐进结构优化法以及谢亿民团队研发的Ameba软件在国内外结构设计领域的应用,以及利用3D打印等先进制造技术来实现拓扑优化设计的一系列案例。

Innovative and efficient designs of structures can be achieved by applying optimisation techniques that are capable of minimising the material usage and maximising the performance. The bi-directional evolutionary structural optimisation (BESO) method, originally proposed by Professor Mike Xie and his co-workers, has been well developed for this purpose. BESO is based on the simple concept of gradually removing inefficient material from a structure and, at the same time, adding material to the most needed locations. Such a simple but universally applicable technique can be used to not only reduce the weight and the associated energy consumption of aircraft and motor vehicles but also produce strikingly elegant structural designs of bridges and buildings. This presentation will demonstrate how the BESO method (and the Ameba software developed by Professor Xies team) could be effectively used to design a wide range of high-performance and light-weight structures including spectacular buildings, long-span bridges, unmanned aircraft, exquisite furniture, and so on. The talk will also show how such beautiful and organic designs can be realised by using advanced manufacturing technologies including 3D printing.




Mike XIE

RMIT University


谢亿民,江苏常州人。1984年本科毕业于上海交通大学工程力学系,1991在英国获得哲学博士学位。2002年被皇家墨尔本理工大学土木工程系聘为终身正教授及系主任,2011年当选澳大利亚工程院院士。2017年荣获澳大利亚创新大奖 (Clunies Ross Innovation Award)和澳大利亚机械工程领域最高奖米歇尔奖章 (AGM Michell Medal)2017年受聘为中国国务院侨务办公室专家咨询委员会委员。2019年荣获澳大利亚科研基金委授予的澳洲学术界最高荣誉—澳大利亚桂冠教授。2022年,荣膺澳大利亚土木工程领域最高奖 (Sir John Holland Civil Engineer of the Year Award)。发表SCI论文500余篇,引用超过27500多次。

Mike Xie is an Australian Laureate Fellow and a Distinguished Professor of RMIT University where he directs the Centre for Innovative Structures and Materials. He received his bachelors degree in engineering mechanics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1984 and earned his PhD in computational mechanics from Swansea University in the United Kingdom in 1991. He was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering in 2011. His research impact in the field of structural optimisation was recognised by the 2017 Clunies Ross Innovation Award and the 2017 AGM Michell Medal. In 2019, he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM), for significant service to higher education, and to civil engineering. In 2020, he was awarded the Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation. In 2022, he was named the Sir John Holland Civil Engineer of the Year. Professor Xie is one of the most influential scholars in his field, with more than 500 publications and over 27,500 citations.

课程时间:414   19:00-21:25(UTC-+8)

Zoom号:811 2543 7080    密码:  444040


Time: April 14  19:00-21:25(UTC-+8)

Zoom ID811 2543 7080  Password:  444040


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