关于 2006年远东国际数字化建筑设计大奖报名通知
目标:        鼓励建筑领域的数字化探索
奖励:        杰出奖一名,奖金20000美金,证书及奖杯
报名对象:   建筑师,设计师,学生
作品要求:    提交作品中包含数字化设计概念,例如:computing, information,        electronic media, hyper, virtual, and cyberspace
截止时间:     20061231
语言要求:    作品成果全部使用英文
The 2006 Far Eastern International Digital Architectural Design Award
2006 FEIDAD Award
Organized by
The Far Eastern Memorial Foundation, Taiwan
Graduate Institute of Architecture, NCTU, Taiwan
The committee for the 2006 Far Eastern International Digital Architectural Design Award (The 2006 FEIDAD Award) has created this award to encourage the exploration and definition of architectural design in the digital electronic age.
Outstanding Award: 20,000 US dollars, a certificate and a trophy.
Design Merit Award (four awarded): 2,000 US dollars, a certificate and a trophy for each recipient.
Award Ceremony and Animation Festival
All award winners will be invited to attend the FEIDAD ceremony in Taipei.
The committee will invite the top 50 projects to be included in the FEIDAD yearbook, which is published by prestigious magazines and publishers. For further information, please refer to the FEIDAD 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 yearbooks published by Birkhauser.
Qualifications for entry
The Outstanding Award and Design Merit Awards are open to architects, designers, and architectural and design students worldwide. Participants will submit a design project (only one project per entrant); The projects should explore digital concepts such as computing, information, electronic media, hyper, virtual, and cyberspace in order to help define and discuss future spaces and architecture in the digital age.
Registration and Submission
Participants must submit their design proposal as web pages accessible by Internet browsers and must register via the Internet by December 31st, 2006.
 The proposal as web pages should include the following:
- a title page including the design topic and the name(s) of participant(s),
- a description of the site location (or the criteria if there is no site included),
- design concepts and programs,
- design presentations such as, but not limited to, plans, elevations, sections, render images, animations and all other visual representations.
The official language of this award is English. All texts in the on-line registration and web-page submission should be in English.
On-line Registration
Review Process
First stage
1. Members of the First-stage Jury will review submitted works via the Internet.
2. Thirty (30) entrants will be selected for the second review.
Second stage
1. Members of the Second-stage Jury will review the 30 selected entries via the Internet.
2. Ten (10) entrants will be selected for the final review.
Final stage
1. Members of the Final-stage Jury will review the 10 selected entries via the Internet.
2. The recipient of the Outstanding Award and the recipients of the four Merit Awards will be determined.
 Important Deadlines
October 15, 2006 to December 31, 2006: Registration and web-page submission.
January 31, 2007: Announcement of the 30 entrants for the second review.
February 28, 2007: Announcement of the 10 entrants for the final review.
March 31, 2007: Announcement of the recipient Outstanding Award and 4 Merit Awards.

Review Jury

please see http://www.feidad.org  
For any questions, please email to feidad2006@arch.nctu.edu.tw