会议通知 :“城乡共构视野下的空间规划”国际研讨会

(摄影:李帅君  photo by: Shuaijun LI


在此背景下,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院(CAUP, TJU)拟于2019511-13日在上海举办“城乡共构视野下的空间规划”国际研讨会,以推动城乡规划领域的中外学者对相关问题进行交流。本次大会致力于借鉴不同国家城乡空间规划发展经验,针对城乡发展的突出问题、明确城乡空间规划的主要任务和目标、提升规划干预的实效,并结合城乡空间规划实践需求讨论城乡规划教育的发展趋势。本次研讨会的议题将包括:









Advance notice

Spatial Planning from the perspective of Urban-Rural Assembly

May 11-13, 2019  Tongji University, Shanghai, PRC

Currently increasing attention is being paid to the quality of urbanization in China. The central leaderships have redefined the role and position of urban-rural planning, elevating it to be a significant constituent of state-level governance. At the beginning of 2018, the State Council made and important institutional adjustment by establishing the Ministry of Natural Resources. The effects of this institutional adjustment are twofold. On the one hand, it is intended to resolve the problem of inadequate management of natural resources and coordinate management of China’s landscape, forests, lakes and grasslands; on the other hand, it unifies the fragmented power that has scattered responsibility for natural resource planning and management among different departments and enables the establishment of an integrated multi-level spatial planning system. Treating spatial planning as a tool, professionals in urban and rural planning are encouraged to promote urban-rural synergy and rural revitalization. This not only marked a new stage of China's urban and rural planning development but also imposed new demands on planning practice and planning education.

In this context, the College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University (CAUP, TJU) will hold an international seminar on “Spatial Planning from the perspective of Urban-Rural Assembly” in Shanghai from May 11 to 13. The seminar will draw on urban-rural spatial planning development experiences in different countries and clarify the main tasks and objectives for outstanding problems of urban and rural development, improving the effectiveness of planning interventions, and the development of urban and rural planning education in association with practical needs. The topics of this seminar will include:

  1. Central issues and challenges in urban and rural spatial planning

  2. Investigating and sharing international experience in urban and rural spatial planning

  3. Planning framework and working procedures for urban and rural spatial planning

  4. New technical methods for urban and rural spatial planning

The working language of this seminar will be English. Representative experts and scholars from important planning institutions in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia will attend the conference and give keynote speeches. The academic activities will include plenary sessions, themed sub-forums, and round-table discussions. Tongji University will also arrange field trips and meetings with representatives from local government departments.

This academic event is open for registration and no registration fee is charged. Scholars, experts in practice, and postgraduate students from home and abroad are welcome to join. If you are interested in participating in this event, please send your personal information to the conference mailbox by April 15, 2019.

 “Spatial Planning from the perspective of Urban-Rural Assembly”

Conference Preparatory Committee

March, 2019