云集全球顶尖学者 | 2019DigitalFUTURES国际博士生项目启动招生




Computational Design & Robotic Fabrication

Deadline for Application








尼尔·里奇(Neil Leach), 帕特里克·舒马赫(Patrik Schumacher), 谢亿民(Mike Xie),菲利普·布洛克(Philippe Block), 比艾纳· 博戈西安(Biayna Bogosian), 马蒂亚斯德尔坎波(Matias del Campo), 博纳茨·法拉希(Behnaz Farahi), 桑德拉·曼宁格(Sandra Manninger), 阿希姆·门格斯(Achim Menges), 吉勒斯·瑞德辛(Gilles Retsin), 罗兰德·斯努克斯(Roland Snooks)等














1) 科学创新是博士生培养的核心,博士学位论文必须在建筑学研究领域具有明显的创新性,可以是理论研究和方法途径的创新,也可以是技术的突破。博士研究生应在导师指导下独立完成学位论文,学位论文应能充分反映研究生已全面达到“培养目标”所规定的各项要求;学位论文应具有明确的科学创新以及系统性、完整性和学术性;论文的基本论点、结论和建议应有较大的学术价值或对经济、文化、社会发展具有较大的理论或实践意义

2) 学位论文选题报告会由各学科组自行集中组织,并一般不迟于第三学期,并进行二级学科以上的排序。选题报告未通过者,在不少于6个月后重新选题。两次不通过者,取消学籍作肄业处理。开题报告经审查通过,必须严格执行。在论文的研究过程中,如果论文课题有重大变动,应重新做选题报告

3) 博士研究生的中期考试由各学科组自行集中组织,并进行二级学科以上的排序。考试成绩分等级录入管理信息系统,成绩为优的比例≤40%,成绩为良的比例≤40%,成绩为合格或不通过的比例不低于20%。中期考试一次不通过者,可在6个月后申请再次考试。两次不通过者,取消学籍作肄业处理。

4) 预答辩:本学科不规定进行集中的博士研究生预答辩组织,各学科组可自行决定

5) 博士研究生的学位论文全部实行论文初稿双盲预审。双盲预审一般应在学位论文正式答辩前2-3个月进行

6) 博士研究生的学位论文评阅、答辩组织、答辩审批、答辩过程,以及提前答辩和延期答辩的规定请参见学校相关规定

7) 博士研究生需要完成的必修环节包括:文献综述与选题方案报告(第二学期)、论文选题(第三学期)、研究生学术行为规范(中期考试前)、学术与职业素养讲堂(中期考试前)、中期考试(第四学期)、论文阶段性成果学术讨论会(第五或第六学期)




April 21

Application Deadline

June 21


June 22-24

Course 01

Kostas Terzidis

June 25-27

Course 02

Philip F. YUAN & Mike XIE

June 29 - July 6

DigitalFUTURES Workshops (2 credits)

July 7

DigitalFUTURES Conference*

July 9-11

Course 03

Philippe Block

July 12-15

Course 04

Mark Burry

July 15

Summer Session Closes

* Invited speakers include: Philippe Block, Biayna Bogosian, Matias del Campo, Wanyu He, Neil Leach, Sandra Manninger, Gilles Retsin, Patrik Schumacher,  Mike Xie, Philip F. Yuan, Maria Yablonina, Shajay Bhooshan




For more information about the application, please visit:



For further inquiries please contact:

digitalfutures@tongji.edu.cn; leachneil@gmail.com


For more information about CAUP, Tongji University, Shanghai, please visit:

http://en-caup.tongji.edu.cn, and http://en.tongji.edu.cn


Computational Design & Robotic Fabrication 

(English Program / Duration 4 Years)



1. The College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University, Shanghai has now launched a groundbreaking non-residential DigitalFUTURES International PhD Program. The program looks at all aspects of development of architecture in the digital revolution, including its impact not only on the design and fabrication of buildings, but also on the research of simulation and visualization of spatial performance.

2. All teaching and written submissions in DigitalFUTURES program will be in English. The students are required to attend a series of intensive courses, and pass all the progress reviews and complete their research independently under the guidance of the supervisors.

3.The Digital FUTURES program brings together a team of illustrious faculty, including some of the leading experts in the world: Neil Leach, Patrik Schumacher, Mike Xie, Philippe Block, Biayna Bogosian, Matias del Campo, Behnaz Farahi, Sandra Manninger, Achim Menges, Gilles Retsin, Roland Snooks



Application Procedure:

1.Application Deadline: 

Applications are due by 21th April.

2.Application Procedure

1) Go to the webpage to learn our admission:http://study.tongji.edu.cn/index.php?classid=6767.

2) Complete the University Online Application procedure at the website:


Print and sign the hard copies of the University Application Form and Guarantee Letter produced by the system after all the information submitted is verified.

3) The applicants can submit the documents in person (or entrust others to submit) or send the documents by post. Application documents should be received before deadline, or it will be considered as a waiver of application.


Academic Requirements:


In the program, students are required to get at least 24 credits, among which at least 4 credits are from common courses, 5 credits from core courses, 6 credits from elective courses (including a cross-disciplinary course with 2 credits), and 9 credits from the compulsories. According to The Management Regulation of Course Study for PhD Student in Tongji University, PhD students are required to finish all the courses and get the credits before the midterm evaluation.


1) Scientific innovation is the core of the doctoral degree program. The doctoral dissertation must present significant originality in the field of architecture research, including theory, methodology and technology. Each student is expected to complete their research independently under the guidance of the advisors, and the dissertation should demonstrate that the student has fulfilled all the requirements of the doctoral program. The dissertation must present originality, coherence, comprehensiveness and academic value. The arguments, conclusions and suggestions in the dissertation are expected to have significant academic values or theoretical/practical relevance to the economic, cultural and social progress of human society.

2) The review of the report of dissertation proposal has to be organized together by the academic groups themselves, and finished no later than the third semester. And the results of the reports have to be ranked at the second level discipline or above, and recorded in the information management system. The student, who didn’t pass the report review, could apply another review after 6 months. The student, who cannot pass the report review twice, will drop out of the school as incompletion. Students are required to follow their dissertation proposal strictly after the approval. If there is any major revision in the research, the proposal review should be reinitiated.

3) The mid-term examination has to be organized together by the academic groups themselves. And the exam results have to be ranked at the second level discipline or above, and recorded in the information management system. The proportion of level A score ≤40%, the proportion of level B score ≤40%, the proportion of level C and non-pass should not be lower than 20%. The student, who didn’t pass the exam, could apply the reexamination after 6 months. The student, who cannot pass the examination twice, will drop out of the school as incompletion.

4) Pre-defense of dissertation: the pre-defense of dissertation is not required by the department, each academic group could decide itself.

5) The doctoral degree dissertation is double-blind-reviewed. The double-blind review is normally processed in 2-3 months before the formal dissertation defense.

6) The details of the blind review, the dissertation defense, the dissertation approval, the defense process and the advancement or delay of the defense are specified in the regulation of Tongji University.

7) The required compulsories of the PhD program includes: Literature & Topic Report (second semester), Dissertation Proposal (third semester), Code of Academic Integrity (before midterm exam), Course of Academic and Professional Manner (before midterm exam), Midterm Examination (forth semester), Symposium on Periodical Result of Dissertation (fifth or sixth semester).


3.Research Papers: 

In order to be qualified for the application for a doctoral degree, the candidates should have publications in related journals or present the researches in international conferences.


April 21

Application Deadline

June 21


June 22-24

Course 01

Kostas Terzidis

June 25-27

Course 02

Philip F. YUAN & Mike XIE

June 29 - July 6

DigitalFUTURES Workshops (2 credits)

July 7

DigitalFUTURES Conference*

July 9-11

Course 03

Philippe Block

July 12-15

Course 04

Mark Burry

July 15

Summer Session Closes

* Invited speakers include: Philippe Block, Biayna Bogosian, Matias del Campo, Wanyu He, Neil Leach, Sandra Manninger, Gilles Retsin, Patrik Schumacher,  Mike Xie, Philip F. Yuan, Maria Yablonina, Shajay Bhooshan

The International PhD Program of Architecture is opened to non-Chinese citizen students. (For the specific requirements of applicant qualification, please go to the website of Tongji University International Students Office.)

Besides of international PhD students, the workshops and conference of this program are also opened to scholars, professors and all the levels of students around the world. We will post detailed information about the recruitment of DigitalFUTURES Workshop and Conference soon.


For more information about the application, please visit:



For further inquiries please contact:

digitalfutures@tongji.edu.cn; leachneil@gmail.com


For more information about CAUP, Tongji University, Shanghai, please visit:

http://en-caup.tongji.edu.cn, and http://en.tongji.edu.cn