【11月13日 学术讲座】基础设施和公共空间在机动化浪潮中的场所营造

2018研究生城市设计课题及同济-TU DELFT联合设计   系列讲座(二)

Infrastructure or Contested Public Space

Place Making in the Ocean of Mobility


Time  讲座时间:18:30-20:30,2018.11.13 

Venue讲座地点:C1 Hall(C1报告厅)



Infrastructure is the networked system deeply involved in collecting, sorting, distributing and recycling natural and artificial resources — water, air, labor, energy, money and information. In a contemporary city infrastructure is always associated with liminal and leftover spaces and suffers ambiguity, mess and poor maintenance. However, despite its silent role and supplementary function in people’s everyday life, urban infrastructure has a direct impact on the public domain. It is overheatedly contested by diverse stakeholders as representatives in a political battlefield, as illustrated by New York’s privately-owned public spaces or Hong Kong’s skywalks. In the discipline of architecture and urbanism, infrastructure has illuminated new methods and perspectives in rethinking the city in terms of anthropology, geography and a new form of urban humanity in general.


基础设施是一个网络化系统,全面涵盖了包括水源、空气、劳动力、能源、资金和信息在内的自然和人工资源的收集,分类,分配和回收。 当代城市中,基础设施往往被限制在城市遗留的空间中,并且存在着模糊,混乱和维护不良的问题。 然而,尽管城市基础设施在人们的日常生活中默默无闻,功能是辅助性的,但它对公共领域产生了直接影响。 正如纽约的私有产权公共空间和香港的人行天街所出现的情形那样,在政治战场上,以不同的利益相关者作为代表的人群中展开过热烈异常的争议。 在建筑学和城市化学科中,基础设施已经引发了城市的新方法和观点,在人类学、地理学和城市人文学的新形式方面重新思考城市。

Presenter:Zheng TAN 

Assistant Professor,CAUP, Tonji University,LEED AP, PhD UCLA

